The Tankers' Homepage
Online Discussion Boards

Your online information and communication resource

The Tankers' Homepage proudly present Online Discussion Boards for your use. Usenet is great but you have to search through hundreds of other messages to find material on the topic for which you are looking. In addition, only The Tankers' Discussion Boards are dynamically archived, every message posted to the boards is written to an archive for later reference. Look for more Discussion Boards in the future. Let us know what you would like!

Note: If you do not see a message you just posted in the main screen please use your browser's reload button. Messages do not wrap in the message entry box unless you have Netscape 2.0. You can either hit the return key at the end of every line or ignore the wrapping and your message will be formatted properly when it is posted. Also please remember this is not Usenet; we will delete any messages that we feel are in poor taste. Please be considerate of your fellow hobbiests.

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